Starting a New SPS Chapter

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Interested in starting a new chapter? SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma are here to help! Please follow these steps:

  1. All new chapters need to submit a petition prepared on the official form.
  2. Identify student leaders and an adviser for the group.
  3. Please send an email to sps [at] or the Director, Alejandro de la Puente (adelapuente [at], and we'll walk you through the process.

We are happy to help you with any questions you might have!

sps [at] (subject: New%20Chapter%20Petition)

The following procedures for starting an SPS Chapter are taken from Article VI of the SPS Constitution.

Article VI. Society of Physics Students Chapters

Section 1. Institutional Requirements for Society of Physics Students Chapters

Clause 1. A Society of Physics Students Chapter may exist only in institutions of higher learning which regularly offer at least a two-year curriculum that includes physics and which are accredited by the appropriate national or regional accrediting agency.

Clause 2. All Society of Physics Students Chapters shall be designated by the official name of the institutions in which they are located.

Section 2. Establishment of New Society of Physics Students Chapters

Clause 1. A group applying for a charter for a Society of Physics Students Chapter shall submit a petition prepared on the official form and shall furnish all data required for the official questionnaire for petitioning groups. Approval of the Executive Committee shall be required to grant a charter for a Society of Physics Students Chapter.

Clause 2. The procedure for the installation of Society of Physics Students Chapters shall be specified by the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Society of Physics Students Chapter Bylaws

Sample Chapter Bylaws

Each Society of Physics Students Chapter shall have a set of local Chapter bylaws. Society of Physics Students Chapter bylaws, and any amendments thereof, must be submitted to the Director of the Society of Physics Students for approval. Society of Physics Students Chapter bylaws shall specify the Chapter Officer structure and the amount of any local dues or charges that will be paid by members in addition to those paid to the National Office of the Society of Physics Students. Society of Physics Students Chapter bylaws, except at those institutions not eligible for the establishment of a Sigma Pi Sigma Chapter or where administrative regulations prohibit honor societies, shall specify local standards for the election of Sigma Pi Sigma members by the Sigma Pi Sigma Chapter upon its installation as specified in Article VII of this Constitution. Society of Physics Students Chapter bylaws shall be in accordance with the Society of Physics Students Constitution and Bylaws.

Section 4. Society of Physics Students Chapter Administration

Clause 1. Each Society of Physics Students Chapter shall have a Chapter advisor and an appropriate officer structure. All Chapter Officers must be student members of the Society of Physics Students as defined in Article VIII, Section 1.

Clause 2. The Chapter advisor shall be a faculty member appointed by the head of the department responsible for physics instruction, after consultation with the Chapter Officers. The Chapter advisor shall provide liaison among the Chapter, the department responsible for physics instruction, and the national Office of the Society of Physics Students. The Chapter advisor will supply counseling to the Chapter, furnish continuity of experience in Chapter operations, and provide long-range perspective to insure continuance of departmental interest in and support of the Society of Physics Students. The Chapter advisor shall assist the Chapter secretary in furnishing the National Office of the Society of Physics Students with data concerning the personnel and activities of the Chapter and shall assist the Chapter treasurer in transmitting fees and dues to the National Office of the Society of Physics Students.