Benefits of SPS National Membership

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SPS: It’s the best thing for your career since choosing to study physics!

There are many reasons to join the Society of Physics Students (SPS) national organization. Upon payment of your *$24.00 annual national dues, you will receive:

Please note that your membership is effective immediately, although it will take six to eight weeks for publications to begin arriving.

*Membership dues are $30.00 per year for addresses outside of the US and Canada. The additional dues cover international shipping for The SPS Observer; members outside of the US and Canada will receive Physics Today in on-line format.

How do I Join?

Please go to to renew or pay your SPS National dues.

Details here

Free Membership with two Physical Societies

When you join SPS as an undergraduate, you get free membership in two of ten other physics societies... all of which are members of the American Institute of Physics (AIP). AIP serves this federation of physical science societies in a common mission to promote physics and allied fields. 

Since you can do this for up to three years, you might consider joining different societies each year and trying out acoustics, crystallography, rheology, geophysics, or optics just to see what those societies have to offer. In any case, SPS is eager for you to see the breadth of physics through these societies, so indulge!

Free Joint Membership with NSBP or NSHP

SPS and the National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP) are now offering  joint student memberships at a discounted price.

SPS and the National Society of Hispanic Physicists (NSHP) are now offering  joint student memberships at a discounted price.