Society News | Page 7 | Society of Physics Students

Society News

Apr 7 2020

National Council Elections are April 6 - May 6.

Each SPS Chapter will have one vote
SPS Chapters should determine their candidate selections and submit one ballot per chapter. To ensure each chapter votes once, list your chapter on the ballot. You will need to enter the password sent to your SPS Chapter’s leadership to submit your ballot.

Cast your vote as a chapter using an electronic form
You will need information sent to your chapter leadership to vote. Learn more about voting within your Zone here: 

Mar 26 2020

Virtual Talks with SPS

We are hosting live video talks through Zoom throughout the coming weeks. If you are unable to make any of the talks, no problem! All talks are recorded and posted to our YouTube channel (

Previous Talks: 

Tuesday, March 17: Susan White, Interim Director of the Statistical Research Center at AIP.  Titled "You Can't Handle the Truth." 

Mar 16 2020

On Feb 22, 2020: the SPS National Council approved a statement on the Climate Crisis: 

"The Society of Physics Students and the Sigma Pi Sigma National Council encourage chapters to sponsor, engage in, and pursue outreach events that promote awareness of the scientific basis of human-induced climate change to the general public. Furthermore, chapters are encouraged to champion initiatives that address the climate crisis and to practice environmental sustainability."


Mar 16 2020

The SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma updates its statement on Diversity, Inclusion, Ethics, and Resonsibility.

It is up to each chapter to be the difference they want to see in the world:

May 7 2019

Congratulations to the newly elected members of the SPS/Sigma Pi Sigma National Council! Contact information, photos and biographies of these individuals will be updated and posted on the National Council page later this summer.  Terms for these individuals begin June 1, 2019.

Society of Physics Students President: Alina Gearba-Sell, US Air Force Academy

Zone 1
