Volume 15, Number 1
The Journal of Undergraduate Research in Physics and Astronomy
Volume 15, Number 1

Apparatus for Measuring Double Differential Cross Sections for Electron Emission in Ion-Atom Collisions
Kansas State University
A Study of the Vaccine Effects in Trigycline Sulfate Using Polarization Switching Measurements
California State University San Bernardino
Stable Frequencies of a Vertical Rotating Chain
Juniata College
Neutron Scattering: Magnetic Flux Tube
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
Diffusion of Solar Eneretic Particles: A Numerical Study
Roanoke College
Adiabatic Population Transfer in a Three Level Atom
University of Rochester
Post Use Book Review-- College Physics, 4th Ed., R.A. Serway and J.S. Faughn and Physics, 3rd Ed., J.D. Cutnell and K.W. Johnson
Guilford College