Volume 12, Number 2
The Journal of Undergraduate Research in Physics and Astronomy
Volume 12, Number 2

A Quantum Monte Carlo Study of HenCl2 Clusters
Arizona State University
A Lattice Gas Approach to the Structure and Dynamics of Electrorheological Fluids
Illinois Wesleyan University
Perturbative Solution for Nonlinear Waves on a Stretched String
Southern Nazarene University
A Novel Technique for Studying the Shear Elastic Properties of Weak Solids
Illinois Wesleyan University
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Cytosine
Arizona State University
Phase Diagrams and Lattice Constants of Si 1-x Cz Random Alloys and Si1-x-yGeyCx Layered Crystals
Arizona State University
The Construction and Operation of a CsI Detector Array for the BGO Ball at LAMPF
Arizona State University