AIP Career Pathways Project | Society of Physics Students

AIP Career Pathways Project

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The AIP Career Pathways Project (CPP) was designed to identify common features among physics departments with a strong record of preparing physics bachelor's for the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce and to disseminate that information to the physics community. By equipping physics departments and their students with tools for effective career preparation, CPP aims to increase the overall number and diversity of physics graduates, and of those joining the STEM workforce after the bachelor's degree.

Project Outcomes

Equipping Physics Majors for the STEM Workforce

Equipping Physics Majors for the STEM Workforce

This report for physics faculty and administrators describes the project findings and, for each finding, suggests specific activities that faculty members can initiate or expand in their departments. This report concludes with a brief discussion about several ways to develop strategies for change.

Careers Toolbox for Physics Students

Careers Toolbox 4th Edition Cover

The Careers Toolbox for Undergraduate Physics Students is a set of tools and exercises designed to help undergraduate physics students prepare to enter the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics workforce. Tools range from exploring the common job titles of physics bachelor's to preparing for interviews, and are all geared specifically for physics students.

Fact Sheet for Career Professionals

Fact Sheet for Career Professionals

This guide, created by the Career Pathways Project, is a resource designed to enhance the work being done by career services professionals with physics undergraduates and faculty. The Fact Sheet includes information on the common career paths of physics bachelor’s recipients, resume and career advising tips, suggested databases for finding physics-related internships and jobs, and more. The Fact Sheet may also be useful for high school guidance counselors and college admissions staff.

Career Options Poster

Career Options Poster

This poster, created by the Career Pathways Project, is a summary of SPS's Career Toolbox workshop. It summarizes alternative education and career paths to the traditional academia or research options that physics majors should be aware of. 

Project Acknowledgements

The Career Pathways Project was carried out by the American Institute of Physics through its Statistical Research Center and the Society of Physics Students. The project was funded by a National Science Foundation grant titled, "Expanding the STEM Workforce by Equipping Physics Bachelor's Degree Recipients and Their Departments to Address the Full Range of Career Options." NSF award number: 1011829. Questions regarding CPP should be emailed to

AIP Career Pathways Project Investigators

  • Roman Czujko, former Director – AIP Statistical Research Center
  • Kendra Redmond, former Programs Manager – Society of Physics Students, AIP Education Division
  • Toni Sauncy, former Director – Society of Physics Students and Sigma Pi Sigma, AIP Education Division (PI 2013-2014)
  • Thomas Olsen, former Assistant Director – Society of Physics Students, AIP Education Division (PI 2010-2013)

Society of Physics Students Career Pathways Project Summer Interns

  • Amanda Palchak – University of Southern Mississippi (2011)
  • Shouvik Bhattacharya – Minnesota State University (2012)
  • Jose “Ro” Avila – King College (2013)

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