Jacob Anderson

Jacob Anderson
Research Manager
I received my B.S. in physics from Brigham Young University where I was an active member of our SPS chapter and a member of Sigma Pi Sigma. During my senior year I was selected as a member of the chapter leadership where I coordinated our education and outreach program to local schools. After graduating from BYU, I attended graduate school at the University of Maryland, where I received my Ph.D. As a graduate student, I gave public and private tours of the SLAC National Laboratory. Upon receiving my Ph.D., I began working at Fermilab as a post-doctoral physicist on the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC. I had the exciting opportunity to be part of the collaboration which co-discovered the Higgs Boson in 2012 and was involved in the search for and even measurement of other exotic phenomena.
After leaving academia in 2014, I became a Research and Data scientist at Pearson where I worked on better implementation and use of educational technology, eventually becoming a Director of Data Science. I am currently a Lead Research Engineer at Here Technologies, working on automated map production research to improve maps in support of highly automated and autonomous vehicles.