Intern Blog Postings

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Nicole Leung

I made a lot of progress at work this week. I managed to install software for the star camera and its controlling interface onto the flight computer with the EXCLAIM flight computer lead, Jim.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Matangi Melpakkam

This week, there is not much to report on the work front. Mitch, Andrea, and Will were on break, so I spent more time working on the same database as last week, completing the budget history for the Office of Science.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Taylor Overcast

We are officially over halfway through the internship. This summer has felt like a year and a week somehow all at the same time, and there are still, yet only, four weeks to go.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Lucy Corthell


The end of this internship is looming too close for comfort. This week besides continuing what I have been working on, I have been working on the intro to my final project and planning out a schedule for how to get everything done. 

Monday, July 4, 2022

Aidan Keaveney

I try to make these blogs somewhat light and enjoyable to read. This will not be one of those blog entries. Before I begin, I would like to fully acknowledge my limitations in the fields about which I intend to discuss for this week.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Matangi Melpakkam

This week has been finally feeling like things have been settling down. I have a semblance of a routine and know my way around DC pretty well now, but I have still been experiencing new things!

Ben Johnson

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Benjamin Johnson

Throughout this week, I continued my attempt to implement a reservoir computer training protocol involving a feed-forward neural network called Keras.  This process has proven to be a substantial challenge.  Although my IDE continued working this week without problems (hallelujah), I have been un

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Nicole Leung

I’m authorized to work at NASA for the rest of the summer! On Monday, I got a call from NASA internship coordinator, Sarah Alspaw, who asked me to confirm some things before I could go in. The next day, I met Eric at NASA for a more in-depth tour of the buildings that I’d be working in.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Emma Goulet

Halfway through... and heartbroken about it.  

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Janessa Slone

Of course, starting with Empanada Domingos, Ben and I got the classic Spicy Chicken Empanada. Ben also got the veggie empanada, and he gave it great reviews. I also bought a Garlic and Chive cheese spread at the farmer’s market and it was…amazing.
