Rockin' the SOCK - Week #4

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Sunday, June 28, 2020


Holly Fortener

Holy cow! The summer is going by fast. This week in SPS outreach I posted a new Jeopardy round that focuses on acoustics! I'm excited to play this round with the interns and our mentors at a virtual picnic that is coming up in a few weeks. There is also a new demo posted on the SPS demonstration page titled "Ice and Salt Slushies." Making slushies was such a fun thing to do at home, and I hope others can agree with me! This demo touches on the melting and boiling points of pure water and how we can alter these properties with salt. The next demo is kinetic sand...more on outreach at home with Holly next week! Speaking of demos, I'm very excited to share that I have a few volunteers helping me out with demos this summer. Next week I am going to host the first stand up meeting and begin outlining goals for the new volunteer team. I hope to share more of the volunteer progress in future blogs.

The interns had an event on Friday: bad physics movie night! I didn't know making fun of movies like "The Core" could be so entertaining. If I remember of the scientists at one point said "800,000 sqft/meters" and I died. However, I was reborn when they actually did real physics by stating the basic equation for torque??? But don't be fooled - it continued to go downhill from there.

Bonus: A picture of Brad feeling blue...

Until next week,


Holly Fortener