Spy Kids is Awful (and so is Charles)

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Sunday, June 16, 2024


Charlotte Bimson

Spy Kids is an awful movie. Jaden expedited Spy Kids up the movie list, claiming it is critical to my cultural literary. If anything, I became illiterate after watching the movie. Charles and Jaden say I lack taste and we need to watch it again. I simply refuse. 

On Tuesday, Jenna and I went to NIST. I napped on the Metro ride there. It was lovely. I finalized my final report outline and we planned the tour of NIST for the other interns. That night, we went to a free comedy show in Adams Morgan; it was pretty good! There were a few questionable jokes, but overall net positive for a free comedy show.

On Wednesday, Jenna and I were horribly separated (I accidentally overslept and went to ACP for work while Jenna went to NIST). It was eerily quiet at ACP without Jenna and I was forced to get all my work done without chatting. It seems as if Jenna and I are usually the distraction. Later, we went to Rock the Dock at the Wharf. Evan (not physics intern Evan, but Amanda’s political science friend) absolutely destroyed at corn hole. 

Thursday was a NIST day again. We had our first in-person office meeting and a retirement happy hour. Jenna also ranked her favorite StarBurst flavors (a productive day for the Mather Interns). After much consideration about flavor and other beer aspects, Brad got Jenna and I a beer at happy hour (thank you Brad). Surprisingly, it wasn’t awful! Maybe this is summer I grow to not hate beer. 

I have my cousin’s wedding in North Carolina this weekend, so my parents arrived on Thursday night so we could drive down on Friday afternoon. My sister stayed in the GW dorms with me Thursday night and met a few of the other interns. She was disappointed with how “physic-y” everyone was (I blame Jaden for wearing his Quantum shirt to meet her). 

I was only at ACP for the morning on Friday (per the wedding), but it was a very eventful morning. Maia got out of the Astronomy on the Mall boom whackers, distracting everyone for a good half hour. Charles almost set the building on fire by putting wax paper in the toaster oven. And there were free croissants (one of my favorite foods).

I left that afternoon and came back to DC on Sunday afternoon.  This weekend was the longest Jenna and I went without seeing each other since meeting each other. It was devastating. Jenna and I went for a walk, picked Jaden up from darty, played banagrams, and then watched Good Will Hunting and WallE. They decided we had to watch some actually good movies, so I don’t bail on movie night after Spy Kids. Unfortunately, on Sunday night, Charles irreparably destroyed our friendship. I graciously offered him a piece of my grapefruit, but he hated it so much that he spit it out. He might as well spit in my face and declare us mortal enemies. 

Charlotte Bimson