Week 6: 4th in the Capital

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Sunday, July 7, 2024


Kaden Gammon

With the 4th of July and a Friday off, not a lot of work was done this week. However, it was an incredible, extended weekend. Before enjoying the time off, on Tuesday I got to listen to a historical talk on science during lunch with the other interns. The evening was then spent trying to make a great comeback trivia night, as Spy Kids II. Unfortunately, the millennials beat us out once again with their aggressive trivia knowledge.


The next day came with the start of a visit from my girlfriend, Jamie. With Jamie visiting, I got to show off what little I’ve learned about D.C. this summer and do my best as a tour guide over the past few days. We both have a love for food, so we tried a lot of nice restaurants out this past week. This began with lobster rolls in Georgetown, which easily became the best lobster rolls I’ve had (not that I’ve had many though).


The 4th was well spent enjoying hotdogs and seeing the 4th of July Parade along the National Mall. Before rushing to the National Mall for fireworks, we enjoyed some amazing pasta at Il Canale. Then came the fireworks, which I can say was one of the most impressive shows I have seen and was for sure an experience I’ll always remember. The next day, we took some time to explore the Smithsonian American History Museum and had a great dinner at Le Diplomate. Saturday was another day of exploring D.C. while enjoying a great brunch.


Today has been one of the most tiring though. Since this is Jamie’s last day in town, we made sure to see as much as we could in the city. We began the day with bagels from Call Your Mother (some of the best bagels I could find) and then the National Archives to see the country’s founding documents. Next, was the Holocaust Museum, which is a must see in D.C. but is also a pretty depressing museum. Unfortunately, the next museum planned was the Air and Space Museum, but I didn’t realize you need timed entry tickets to enter. Fortunately, the White House wasn’t too far so we decided to stop by to see it. Finally, to end the night, the interns surprised Collins with pizza to welcome him, after a long-awaited arrival.

Kaden Gammon