Week 6: Progress! | Society of Physics Students

Week 6: Progress!

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Sunday, July 11, 2021


Kirk Kleinsasser

This week was a busy one! We are getting to crunch time, but I feel somewhat on track with my project. I’m very excited, as I have finished the backbone of code for my project. I’m not sure if I have explained the purpose of the application I am building on this blog—basically, it will process data from physics job postings and search with specified keywords based on different criteria, such as job sector or permeance. Additionally, I have made a module to find the most common relevant terms in the data, to be send back for analysis. All of this will be packaged in a intutive GUI for use beyond this internship.

I simply need to connect them together, add some documentation and frontend features, and the app development portion of my project should be complete. Will any luck, I can start initial analysis of the data this week.

Besides working on my project, I had the great pleasure of joining the other interns and several mentors for a virtual picnic with Former United States Representative Rush Holt! After a fascinating talk, we asked him some questions regarding science in relation to government policy, then we moved on to Jackbox games and chatting. It was overall a great experience and a great honor to meet Rep. Holt.


Sylphrena Kleinsasser