Week 7 blog | Society of Physics Students

Week 7 blog

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Monday, July 17, 2023


Daniil Ivannikov

Blogpost content:

¨     Things I did during week seventh.

¨     Impressions I have after week seventh.

¨     Anticipations I have after week seventh.



Things I did during week seventh.

Second SPS Interns Potluck – On Thursday we had a second potluck (it has been delayed for couple of weeks). This potluck theme was food with what you grew up, so everyone brought some interesting dishes. All dishes at the potluck were great. I brought some pierogies (honestly, I wanted to make some for myself for a long time).  

Shenandoah National Park (Whiteoak Canal trail) – On Sunday, as per my new weekly tradition, I visited another National Park. This time I went on a trail in Shenandoah Park. Whiteoak Canal trail has several great waterfalls, and I was planning to see them all (there are 7 of them according to the map). Unfortunately, 6 out of 7 waterfalls were in a hard section of the trail and I did not have enough time to finish the trail. However, the one waterfall I saw was beautiful.

Impressions I have after week seventh.

 Week 7 was a regular week with some events and some project work, nothing special. Overall a regular week.


Anticipations I have after week seventh.

I am facing some crunches on the project, so next week is going to be a bit charged, but I think that I issues can be resolved timely.

Daniil Ivannikov