Week 8: Editing Takes Some Time

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Sunday, July 23, 2023


Hannah Means

The fact that I will be back home in 2 weeks from today is mind blowing to me, but alas, there are so many fabulous things to finish up here before I can think about that too much.


Work Stuff: I am officially working on the last two articles that will be published by the end of my internship! This week, I have slowly been working on revising the first of the two pieces. I unfortunately got stuck at one point and just had to set it down and email one of my mentors. It can feel a bit defeating when you have to admit you don't know what you're doing, but I know with the help of my mentors, I'll figure it out. I am looking forward to this article coming out; it is my biggest piece of the internship. The very last piece that I will come out with is shorter, but requires a lot of international communication, which I learned is tricky with language barriers and time zones. It is pretty amazing to connect to people from all around the world, and I can tell people are passionate about what they do. I don't have too many exciting updates with work this week, but next week, oh boy. Things will be ramping up with the end of the internship nearing. I will admit I am a bit stressed but I am definitely more excited about actually finishing all my odds and ends.


Fun Stuff: This week, I took some time to go to the waterfront by myself to read and watch the sunset. The moon also sported a very thin waxing crescent, and I spent some time marveling at the sky, which never ceases to amaze me. A group of us also took some time to sat our final goodbyes to the ACP building, where Brynn and I had our Titanic moment on the balcony. This weekend, Jenna, Emily, and I went to Georgetown to grab milkshakes and hang out near the waterfront. There were some pretty great singers performing that night. Finally, the same group of us went to the National Museum of African American History and Culture, which is by far my favorite museum in DC. If I could recommend going to any museum here, it's that one. It was hard to walk through some of the exhibits, but I learned so much and there are so many amazing people I learned about that I would have never heard of before.


I'm ready to buckle in for the final two weeks of the internship; I can't wait to see all the things I finish up this week!

Hannah Means