Electricity & Magnetism | Society of Physics Students

Electricity & Magnetism

Explore the electromagnetic spectrum with UV beads. Participants will use UV beads to learn about different types of light and do a wave dance to visualise how waves move. The demonstration will centre a discussion on wavelengths of light humans cannot see but dragonflies can. 

This demo pairs well with Dragonfly Colours: Thin-Film Interference and Dragonfly Flight: Waves and Wing Movement. This demo is part of the 2024 SOCK, The Wonders of the Dragonfly.

Learn how to make 2 versions of an Electromagnet. This demonstration can be used to explain the effects of a flowing current and magnetic fields! The 'easy' version involves a D battery and insulated wire while the 'intermediate' version uses a lantern battery, a switch, and insulated wire.

Build a cost-effective amplifier for your SPS chapter, or use this as a workshop template for community outreach. Empower participants by helping them create an effective, useful, and integral electronic device.

Construct a simple motor out of everyday materials in this workshop. Particpants learn first hand how to leverage the science of electricity and magnetism to create useful tools that we use every day.

By dropping a magnet through a copper tube, participants learn how the magnetics fields can still interact with nonmagnetic materials. 

Participants learn the everyday science of electric motors in this fun and engaging workshop activity. 

Constructing this simple and inexpensive portable cellphone charger provides an introduction to soldering and electronics.

Practically, these units can be used for charging in regions of the world where grid electricity is not readily available.

This demonstration provides a three-dimensional visualization of magnetic field lines using ferrofluid.