The More We Share
The More We Share
Kayla Stephens, Assistant Director, SPS
“The miracle is this: The more we share the more we have.”
— Leonard Nimoy
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Kayla Stephens. Photo by Hyun Joo Kim, AIP.
This event was an opportunity for chapters to showcase the unique activities they do and share ideas to benefit and inspire other chapters. I’m a strong believer in not recreating the wheel, and SPS is built on community—what works well for one chapter can likely help another. As the saying goes, “We are better together.” The strength of each SPS chapter contributes to the overall strength of the SPS community.
For the past few years, we have dedicated the winter issue of The SPS Observer to highlighting the work chapters are doing in outreach, professional development, community building, research, and other areas. The SPS office supports chapters in many ways, but the biggest resource you have is each other! Take the time to read through this issue and see what you have in common with other chapters, what new ideas you can take back to your chapter, or what your chapter might like to share with others in the future.
The editorial team learned about most of the activities and events featured in this issue through your 2021–22 SPS chapter reports. We are so impressed with what you are doing on your campuses, in your communities, and collectively—you should be very proud. If only we had room to feature all of the amazing activities. We hope that this issue will inspire you to try something new or consider sharing your chapter efforts with the SPS community. No matter how big or small your contributions, they all help make the SPS community—and our world—that much stronger.
If you have a story you’d like to share with the SPS community, please email SPS-programs [at] And don’t forget to submit your chapter report this spring!
Stay Tuned for PhysCon Highlights
If you missed the 2022 Physics Congress, stay tuned for the 2023 spring issue, which will feature many unforgettable moments! Also, check out the SPS YouTube channel @SPSNational to view a brief recap of the congress and the recordings of the astounding plenary talks.