Society of Physics Students

Physics department at Wayne State University in Detroit hosts SPS meeting for zone 7 

Joint meeting with Texas sections of APS and AAPT provides opportunity for outreach

Spring meeting held in collaboration with the Colorado–Wyoming section of AAPT

Zone 18 SPS meeting brought together students from all over California. 

Top Ten Tips for Building a Strong Chapter

SPS Congratulates This Year's Winners

Shauna LeFebvre

Friday, August 7, 2015

Shauna LeFebvre

It's been a crazy two weeks! I mean crazy in the best possible way. All of last week Hannah and I were preparing for our presentation. We practiced our presentation so much that it was second nature by the time the Symposium started on Friday. Everyone's presentations were wonderful! It was also a nice way for the other interns to end their summer in DC.

Max Torke

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Max Torke

Monday was the Capital Hill Tour led by Drew and Elias.  Starting in the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, we toured exhibition hall, the Library of Congress, and the Capitol rotunda.  Like the many memorials and monuments on the National Mall, the U.S.
