Intern Blog Postings

Max Torke

Monday, July 6, 2015

Max Torke

On Saturday, several of the interns and I went to Philadelphia for the day.  We started with a walk through Drexel University campus on our way to downtown Philadelphia.  Our first stop was the Chemical Heritage Museum.  The museum was filled with the most influential scientific instruments throu

Monday, July 6, 2015

Veronica Martinez-Vargas

I went to the American Center for Physics (ACP) tour hosted by Shauna, Hannah, Brean, Connor, Patrick, and Aman on Monday.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Patrick Mangan


Monday, July 6, 2015

Hannah Pell

As things quickly start picking up for us, I can feel the mid-summer lull start to lift. This past week was super busy with a lot of fun and venturing out.

Amandeep Gill Headshot

Monday, July 6, 2015

Amandeep Gill

This week was wonderful! On Saturday Brean had to go home to Philadelphia to find some paperwork and Connor, Max, and I tagged along for an impromptu day trip. I hadn’t been since the 8th grade so I was very excited!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Shauna LeFebvre

Hello again!

Connor Day

Friday, July 3, 2015

Connor Day

The weeks keep going by faster and faster, but we are having a lot of fun and staying busy! On Saturday morning, I drove myself, Brean, Aman, and Max up to Philadelphia to spend the day. We met up with Brean’s boyfriend Hendrik at their school, Drexel University, and they showed the rest of us around Philly.

Elias Kim

Friday, July 3, 2015

Elias Kim

I played tour guide for the weekend as my family drove down on Friday to visit me and do some sight-seeing. On Saturday, we briefly stopped by Capitol Hill and then went to the Museum of the American Indian. I had seen the New York edition of the museum the weekend before, so I was very interested to see the differences.

Drew Roberts

Friday, July 3, 2015

Drew Roberts

A restful weekend was much needed. After four busy in-session weeks, I had a quiet weekend before my last week of the summer which would have Congress out of session. This gave me the opportunity to read, relax, and most importantly, catch up on sleep. I knew that this weekend and recess week would be the time for a short rest, before a busy 4th of July weekend and 4 more weeks of being in session.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Teresa Turmanian

Get this-this week kicked off with the best Monday I’ve had in a long time!
