Society of Physics Students

New technologies under development at Saint Peter’s University

Friday, August 9, 2013

Nicole Quist

Saturday night was really fun because I went out to my friend Julie’s house to go to a party. It was a glow-in-the dark paint dance party out on a farm in Virginia. It was a lot of fun, but we grew tired of it quickly, so we went cosmic bowling afterword because we glowed.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Nicole Quist

I can’t believe how quickly time is passing. We only have a week and a half left, which is crazy. I am really enjoying the projects I have been working on and really like the other interns. It will be so sad to go our separate ways in just a few weeks.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Nicole Quist

Friday night, I came home and crashed hard. It had been an exhausting week and I really needed the down time.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Nicole Quist

This week has been crazy. It was fun spending the weekend with my cousins, but the trip back to DC was a bit of a mess. My flight from Atlanta was delayed.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Nicole Quist

Saturday we went to the Folklife festival put on by the Smithsonian. They had booth set up about the Americas, fashion, as well as a bunch of booths for Hungry. It was fun walking around and seeing all the displays. They also had food, so we got some Chicken and Waffles and fresh fruit.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Nicole Quist

Friday, Caleb and I went out to NIST, where I will be doing the other half of my internship. We met with Mary, my new mentor and talked about how we were going to incorporate the SOCK with the rest of the program.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Nicole Quist

Last Friday after work all the interns, except Fiona who hadn’t arrived yet, went to the Symphony. It was aconcert of the National Symphony Orchestra with David Hardy on the cello. I got to sit on the side with the harp. I couldn’t see super well, but the harpist was amazing.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Mark Sellers

Like the previous weekends, I took things pretty slow. With all of the outreach events we'd done, I definitely needed some time to sleep in and catch up with friends and family, do laundry, get groceries, play Counter-Strike, etc etc.
